As the Photographer
My primary areas of interest are Products, Food, Travel and what I call found shots. Those are things that just catch my eye.
Photography has changed a lot in the last fifteen years. The iPhone revolutionized imaging. Beyond the millions of selfies and dinner photos taken every day, it is now easier than ever for the every day person to make great images. Software can take an average image and transform it into a much better photo. Advanced photographers have cameras that can take bracketed exposures and software can combine them all into one image with an amazing tonal range. Granted some of these images look super-real. I have a friend who always wants to talk about film being better than digital. I learned photography (way) back before digital. I learned to process film and make prints in a darkroom. I was able to produce the best print possible from a negative that was less than perfect. These skills transferred to using computers and software like On1, Affinity and Photoshop to “process” digital images. Being a “purist” has its points but in some situations I get much better images with a digital camera. Back lighting comes to mind, I get much better detail with digital. Oh well. Here are some samples of my work.